Presentations, handouts, and other materials shared during professional development sessions and spring conferences available for reviewing and downloading.
Ohio Parent Mentor Spring Conference 2023
The annual conference showcased an array of topics and resources ranging from transitions, empowering families as educational partners, to navigating preschool special education.
Access the pre-work videos, presentation summaries, and resource documents on the Conference Webpage if you were unable to attend or would like to revisit and disseminate the content presented.
Ohio Parent Mentor Spring Conference 2022
2022 Ohio Parent Mentor Spring Conference — The Ties that Bind: Making Time for Your Own Wellness. Click to access presentation slides.
Rocky Road: How to Work Toward Trust Through Difficult Interactions 2021
Professional Development led by Dr. Barbara Boone of the Ohio Statewide Family Engagement Center. Explore times when partnerships between families and schools are rocky and how we can help everyone get on the same page with the young person at the center. [76 minutes] Click to view.
Handouts include: Consultancy Protocol, Dialogue One-Pager, and Responding to Microaggressions Against Families. Click each to view and download.
What's the Big IDEA? Understanding the Foundations of Special Education 2021
Professional Development led by Dr. Gabrielle Hicks: Increase (or establish) your knowledge of the federal principles and legislation that form the foundation of special education as we draw connections between federal and state legislation/policy and special education practice. [68 minutes] Click to view the presentation.
Beyond the Basics: Special Education Evaluation and Eligibility Concepts & Application 2021
Professional Development led by Dr. Gabrielle Hicks. A comprehensive perspective of the Special Education Evaluation and Eligibility Process beyond the basics. If you were not able to attend live, you are encouraged to watch this video. [145 minutes] Click to view the presentation.
11 District Plan 2022
Professional Development led by Dr. Andrea Faulkner, Assistant Director- Urban Support Team, Office for Exceptional Children and Lyndsay Havey, Education Program Specialist- Urban Support Team, Office for Exceptional Children. Click to view presentation slides.
Presentation links available here. Click to download.
Removing the Stickiness Out of Sticky Situations 2022, Confidentiality and Privacy
Professional Development led by Dr. Kenyona Walker and Cheryl Mendel. Click to download the presentation slides.
Supporting Literacy with Parent Mentors 2023, Ohio's New Dyslexia Support Legislation
Presentation slides for the professional development led by the Ohio Department of Education’s Ohio Literacy Lead, Carolyn Turner. Click to download.
FERPA Quick Sheet, Confidentiality and Privacy
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) is a federal law that affords parents the right to have access to their children’s education records, the right to seek to have the records amended, and the right to have some control over the disclosure of personally identifiable information from the education records. Click to download.
The Ohio Parent Mentor Project is funded by The Ohio Department of Education. The Oversight and Professional Development for Ohio Parent Mentors is provided by The Ohio State University’s Center on Education and Training for Employment, a translational research center within the College of Education and Human Ecology.
Center on Education and Training for Employment
1900 Kenny Road, Columbus, Ohio 43210
(614) 247-9982
Email cete-parentmentor@osu.edu
The Ohio Parent Mentor Project is funded by The Ohio Department of Education. The Oversight and Professional Development for Ohio Parent Mentors is provided by The Ohio State University’s Center on Education and Training for Employment, a translational research center within the College of Education and Human Ecology.
Center on Education and Training for Employment
1900 Kenny Road, Columbus, Ohio 43210
(614) 247-9982
Email cete-parentmentor@osu.edu