Summer Reading Field Trips
Take a pledge to read more books this summer. Featured books are more geared towards elementary level students, but books are listed in the “Find a Book” tab for PK-12
Take a pledge to read more books this summer. Featured books are more geared towards elementary level students, but books are listed in the “Find a Book” tab for PK-12
The Ohio Parent Mentor Project is funded by The Ohio Department of Education. The Oversight and Professional Development for Ohio Parent Mentors is provided by The Ohio State University’s Center on Education and Training for Employment, a translational research center within the College of Education and Human Ecology.
Center on Education and Training for Employment
1900 Kenny Road, Columbus, Ohio 43210
(614) 247-9982
The Ohio Parent Mentor Project is funded by The Ohio Department of Education. The Oversight and Professional Development for Ohio Parent Mentors is provided by The Ohio State University’s Center on Education and Training for Employment, a translational research center within the College of Education and Human Ecology.
Center on Education and Training for Employment
1900 Kenny Road, Columbus, Ohio 43210
(614) 247-9982