Stephanie Thomas, Parent Mentor for Westerville City Schools, has established a Special Education Parent Advisory Council, creating a supportive community for parents and guardians of students receiving special education services.
Meeting monthly on Mondays throughout the school year, this in-person group provides an opportunity for parents to connect, share experiences, and voice both concerns and positive feedback. One important aspect of the meeting is that shared feedback is conveyed anonymously to the district’s Special Education Director, helping the department identify areas for improvement or refine best practices to better support students and families.
The meetings are facilitated by a parent volunteer, with Thomas offering support, taking notes, answering questions, and providing guidance. She also schedules follow-ups with families who need additional assistance, ensuring individualized supports for their unique situations.
This initiative is a testament to Westerville City Schools’ commitment to fostering collaboration and open communication between families and the district to enhance the educational experience for all students. It’s also a phenomenal example of a Parent Mentor helping schools develop effective family engagement partnerships that can benefit the students and district long term.
If you are interested in exploring the potential of developing a Special Education Parent Advisory Council in your district, contact Stephanie Thomas at thomass@westerville.k12.oh.us.
The Ohio Parent Mentor Project is funded by The Ohio Department of Education. The Oversight and Professional Development for Ohio Parent Mentors is provided by The Ohio State University’s Center on Education and Training for Employment, a translational research center within the College of Education and Human Ecology.
Center on Education and Training for Employment
1900 Kenny Road, Columbus, Ohio 43210
(614) 247-9982
Email cete-parentmentor@osu.edu
The Ohio Parent Mentor Project is funded by The Ohio Department of Education. The Oversight and Professional Development for Ohio Parent Mentors is provided by The Ohio State University’s Center on Education and Training for Employment, a translational research center within the College of Education and Human Ecology.
Center on Education and Training for Employment
1900 Kenny Road, Columbus, Ohio 43210
(614) 247-9982
Email cete-parentmentor@osu.edu