Visual Disabilities & Online College
Making the transition to college is challenging, particularly for students with visual impairment. Navigating accessibility and preparing for accommodations ahead of time is important for a successful college experience. In this guide we will share some tips for making your online college experience easier.
It’s My Turn & Goals Planning Success
Free online course for middle/high school students with disabilities; discusses transitions and employment.
Rise Up: A practical guide for young advocates with disabilities
Guide for students 14-21 with disabilities to prepare them for job search process, healthcare changes, legal help, etc.
Map It: What Comes Next? Module
Free training for transition aged students who are deaf/HOH about college, jobs, etc.
Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities: Pre-Employment Transition Services Fact Sheet
Fact sheet on types of transition services and how to apply for students with disabilities 14+.
Do you want to learn about transitioning to adult health care?
Tools for families to prepare in student’s transition from pediatric to adult health care; discusses IEP.
Ohio College2Careers
Support for students with disabilities to complete college requirements.
Preschool to Kindergarten IEP
Describes IEP transition process for kindergarteners.
Difference in IFSP and IEP
Transition to IEPs when student turns 3.
Transitioning from Early Childhood Special Education to Kindergarten
Downloadable PDF of questions to consider about transition to kindergarten.