The Evaluation Roadmap
The evaluation process may feel complicated, and there are many key stops along the way. Ohio Parent Mentor created this Evaluation Roadmap to help guide your journey. For translations of this guide in other languages, please visit this website:
IEP Checklist for Parents
Checklist for before, during, and after IEP meeting.
The Evaluation Team: Your Child’s Super Heroes
Learn who makes up your child’s team during the special education evaluation process. Explore the ways that each professional works collaboratively with you to determine how best to support your child in the classroom.
Special Education Reminders: Child Find and Initial Evaluation Procedures
Brief explanation of child find, for educators.
Evaluating School-Aged Children for Disability
Requirements of evaluation process based on IDEA language.
IDEA Fact Sheet (from
One page infographic on IDEA requirements.
IDEA, Section 504, and ADA
Table to compare and contrast laws protecting people with disabilities, discusses what services are provided through each law.
Are You Thinking About Requesting an Independent Educational Evaluation?
This chart shows the different scenarios that occur when you request an evaluation outside of the school for your child.
Special Education Glossary
Use this glossary to look up the definitions for disability related terms.
OSEP Spanish Glossary 3rd Edition (2022)
Spanish Glossary of Related Terms to IDEA.