What is PBIS?
Elements of PBIS defined, explanation of tiered support.
What is PBIS?
More geared towards parents, explains principles and purpose of PBIS.
PBIS for Families
Facts about the Implementation of Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports (PBIS) in Ohio.
PBIS Home Matrix
A positive Behavior Chart created by the Ohio Statewide Family Engagement Center with the Ohio Family and Community Engagement Network and the Ohio Department of Education’s PBIS Network.
Ohio’s PBIS Family Engagement Rubrics
Rubrics made for school teams to include family involvement in PBIS; broken down by tiers.
ODE’s definition of PBIS and related resources for educators and parents.
Ohio Online PBIS Training
Free trainings on PBIS fundamentals.
Information for Families about PBIS
Brochures, videos, and powerpoints for families to better understand PBIS.
Virtual Course: Building Partnerships through PBIS
Free introductory course to understanding PBIS, what it looks like in a classroom, and how families should be involved.
Restraint and Seclusion, PBIS in Ohio Schools: What Parents Need to Know
Resource for parents to be aware of school practices through PBIS and how to advocate for their children.