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Guides to Twice Exceptional Students

Resources to Help You Understand Twice Exceptional Students

Being gifted is part of what makes these children exceptional. Sometimes gifted children also have a learning difference or disability, which makes them doubly exceptional and is referred to twice exceptional. Twice exceptional (or 2e) children are a special population within the gifted community who are often overlooked. To that end, the Davidson Institute has prepared the following “Best of Twice-Exceptional” articles and resources for your 2e family!

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Davidson Gifted Blog

Check out the latest expert articles from the Davidson Institute. Our blog covers everything - gifted education and support, parenting strategies for gifted children, social and emotional resources, gifted testing and identification, and more.

What Your Therapist Needs to Know About Giftedness

Dr. Gail Post, a Clinical Psychologist with over 35 years…

Barriers in Gifted Education: Working Together to Support Gifted Learners and Families

The mission of the Davidson Institute is to recognize, nurture…

Homeschooling Curriculum for the Gifted Child

In the article “Homeschooling Curriculum for the Gifted Child,” published…

Gifted Homeschooling and Socializing

This article offers insights into the various ways parents can…